God creates the world. He asks Adam to name the living creatures, since all kine and fowl of the air and beasts of the field should be endowed with their true names. – Genesis
Birmingham, Alabama. Minnan “Charles” Cheng
Since 1968
46, Essay by Doris W. Cheng
God creates the world. He asks Adam to name the living creatures, since all kine and fowl of the air and beasts of the field should be endowed with their true names. – Genesis
Birmingham, Alabama. Minnan “Charles” Cheng
45, Essay by Eleanor Garran
“This might appear pretentious but the only thing which interests us is what is accurate and true” (Lecoq)
In acting, creating a character is like being a sea anemone.
You’re the chosen substance: anemone. Tendrils. Whatever the tendrils are …
45, Essay by Jennifer Steil
The message appeared as I was reading to my nine-year-old daughter Theadora over breakfast. She was perfectly capable of reading to herself, but neither of us yet wanted to relinquish this morning ritual. As I turned a page of Flowers …
Essay, Issue 44 by Julia Cohen
I wanted to leave.
At fourteen, I had decided that I was tired of blending in with the clean-cut white Mormons in Salt Lake City, Utah, and I decided the perfect place to go was Nairobi, Kenya. I had voraciously read …
There was a rip on the red vinyl of the booth at the restaurant. It appeared to swell like a scar as the foam viscera pushed its way out, in spite of an impotent piece of duct tape that barely …
While taemong remain part of a vibrant culture of dreaming in Korea, some suggest that the tradition is diminishing in importance. What follows draws from five years of ethnographic research (collecting taemong) and practice (interview, transcription, illumination, analysis) in the …
43, Essay by Lynnda Wardle
This is the year that people will talk about
This is the year that people will be silent about
The old see the young die.
The foolish see the wise die.
The earth no longer produces, it devours.
The sky …
By the river, the Verde, in the extra hot days when the mesquite was lush with airborne pepper, I saw Shandy B. hitchhike on the interstate in a wild bikini. It had ties on the hips and a big, gold …