Handala Walking
This mixed media animation is inspired by Handala. Before he smells the red poppy you can still see if face. The explosion represents the Nakba. Which causes him to turn his back on the world that betrayed him. Then he …
From the River to the Sea / Pali Beauty
Ala Alwadiya is a Gazan digital artist, specialized in illustrating children’s books and motion graphics.
Before the 7th of October she had a life full of colors and beauty, she had a …
Plastic Houses / Partial Survival
Plastic Houses – بيوت بلاستيكية
في رحلة نزوحي .. ذهب بنا المسار الى جامعتي للحصول على مكان للإيواء .. كان من المصادفة ان المبنى الذي اقمنا فيه مخيمنا هو مبنى الفنون الجميلة .. مبنى تخصصي الجامعي .. اختلطت مشاعري بين …
Israel is Cancer
This video was shot while visiting Palestinian cities, towns, and camps, where I witnessed both the beauty of Palestine and the violations done by the Israeli occupation.
Music by Shalabi Younis and Ghazal Ghrayeb
My name is Nagham Ayyad, and
The wall is the first thing you see
This is me infront of the wall of apartheid.
I went there to witness the harsh truth that confronts us. Take a look at the Palestinian symbols drawn, the Palestinian flag, and the names of martyrs and prisoners. All of …
To the Cousin from Yaffa
At the start of the aggression, my friend Rafi Saqer was one of the people that helped me stay hopeful. They gave me a sense of family away from home and reminded me the importance of …
Settler Colonialism in the Heart of Hebron City
This video shows many pictures and shots from the Old City of Hebron, which is occupied by the Israeli army and where settlers established settlements in the homes of the people of the Old City. Also, the video shows many …
“Songs of the Sunbirds”
When I saw the Songs of the Sunbirds announcement, I just knew I had to make something special for this column.
In those dire times, I worked day and night on this piece, trying to keep myself sane. Trying to …